Retirement provisions
How to save and maximise your benefits with a private pension.
Pillar 3a is very popular because it is voluntary and hence will save you taxes. It also allows you to close any gaps in your pension. No matter whether you take out your private pension with a bank or an insurance company.
You can take out your private pillar 3a pension with an insurance company or a bank. The most suitable solution will depend on your personal situation.
Pillar 3a insurance combines two important things: Saving for retirement and protecting yourself from risk. With saving you have two options: If you want to save risk-free, choose a product with a guaranteed payout at the end of the contract. But because of the current low interest rates and guarantees your pot won’t grow that much. If you want to speculate on making a profit, it’s better to go for investment funds with no guaranteed maturity payments. In both cases, pillar 3a will help you close any gaps in your pension.
With investment fund products, you do not pay the maximum amount into your pillar 3a all at once. Spread it over the whole year. In this way you will benefit from different daily prices and pay less for your securities overall. This is called the cost-average effect.
Your money is in safe hands with all these products. The entire capital is protected as tied assets; supervision lies with the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA.
With all products combining savings and insurance, you pay the same premiums for the entire term. This means you'll know exactly how much your retirement provisions will cost you until the end of the contract. Generali is the only company in Switzerland which guarantees the premiums for the disability pensions (supplementary insurance) for the entire term.
If you would like to receive more than just the modest interest you currently receive on your retirement provision, the best thing to do is to take out a fund policy without a guaranteed maturity benefit. The maturity benefit is the amount you will be paid when the insurance expires. In the case of a fund policy without a guarantee, this amount depends on the stock market performance. To ensure the risk is not too great, we offer you various safety mechanisms:
Pension provision with pillar 3a is part of the standard product range of practically all Swiss banks. you have the flexibility to decide how much you want to pay in. You can also take a payment break if ever you find yourself short of money. If you are no longer satisfied with the bank or the conditions, simply move your assets to another provider.
Pillar 3a at a bank is available as a savings account or a fund account. a savings account is a safe option, but little interest is paid. Under certain circumstances, this option may not be enough to fill the pension gap from the 1st and 2nd pillar. With a fund account, the bank invests your money in securities. You normally benefit from higher returns than with a savings account.
Our digital pillar 3a combines the benefits of an insurance company and bank. You can use this solution online within minutes. Generali’s pillar 3a is suitable for people who want to begin building their old-age provision. You decide how much you want to pay in each year. In this way you can adjust the pillar 3a to suit your circumstances. You can be flexible when it comes to payouts: as long as you remain within the legal thresholds, you can withdraw your balance at any time.
Opening several 3a accounts will allow you to benefit from all of the different providers’ conditions and rates of return. You can also have the accounts paid out individually or have your money paid out in instalments. If you only have a 3a account, you will not be paid any partial amounts. Depending on your canton, this strategy may also allow you to save taxes.
You now know the advantages and disadvantages of the various pillar 3a products. Whether you choose the product of an insurance company, a bank or a combination of both will depend entirely on your personal needs.
Plus, your age is also another factor to consider: If you are young, you’ll most likely be better off with a flexible solution. After all, you don’t know whether you’ll need to take a break from your professional life – because you’re having a child or working abroad for longer. During these phases, you won’t be able to pay into your pillar 3a. If you are self-employed, it will also be important to protect yourself from risks such as illness or death.
If your circumstances change over time, you should be able to adjust your pillar 3a accordingly. If you are normally finding it difficult to save, taking out an insurance policy will ensure that you’ll automatically be putting money aside each month (by direct debit or standing order).
If your circumstances change over time, you should be able to adjust your pillar 3a accordingly. If you are normally finding it difficult to save, taking out an insurance policy will ensure that you’ll automatically be putting money aside each month (by direct debit or standing order).