Babysitters, gardeners and housekeepers perform valuable work and it's only fair to protect them against the risk of having an accident at work. Our domestic employees’ insurance offers comprehensive protection for accidents.
Protection against accidents at work
Comply with employer obligations
Profit from comprehensive cover
Easy AHV billing procedure
Overall rating
How domestic employees’ insurance works
The law requires the employer to conclude compulsory accident insurance for all domestic employees. So we offer an easy, simple solution. Benefit from the following coverage: Treatment costs, daily allowance, disability pension and survivor’s pension. Provide comprehensive protection to your domestic employees in the event of accidents at work and on their way to work.
Your benefits
Compulsory protection
Protects your employees against accidents at work.
Simple insurance with comprehensive cover
Compulsory accident insurance for only CHF 100 per year
Insure treatment costs, daily allowance and pensions
Our competent advisor team will find the right solutions for you.
Coverage types in detail
Treatment costs
Daily allowance
In brief
Medical treatment
Hospital stays
General ward
Important treatment costs Our domestic employees’ insurance covers all treatment costs arising from an accident. This includes medical treatment and hospital stays in a general ward.
In brief
Daily accident benefit
Pays from the third day
Up to 80% of salary
Daily allowance in the event of an accident With this coverage, we pay a daily allowance from the third day after an accident, ensuring that your employee continues to receive payment even when they cannot work. Covers a maximum of 80% of the insured salary.
In brief
Disability pension coverage
Survivor’s pension coverage
Pays a pension to your employee after an accident
Disability pension Disability pension protects your domestic employees in the event that they become disabled due to an accident and can no longer work. We cover up to 80% of the insured salary.
Survivor’s pension You can also provide financial protection to your employees’ families. If your employee dies as a result of an accident, we will pay a pension to their surviving dependants. We cover up to 70% of the insured salary in the event that there is more than one surviving dependent.
Practical example
Joe and Michelle Smith want to spend all their free time with their children. That’s why they have decided to hire Ms. Miller, a cleaner. Unfortunately, Ms. Miller falls while cleaning the windows and breaks her arm. Fortunately, the Smith family has taken out compulsory accident insurance for Ms. Miller. Thanks to this insurance, Generali covers all medical costs and the cost of her hospital stay. Ms. Miller also receives a daily allowance, which pays her 80% of her salary during her recovery, allowing her peace of mind until she can return to work.
Be a responsible employer: Make sure your valuable domestic employees are properly insured.
The law makes all domestic employees subject to compulsory accident insurance concluded by their employer. The following conditions must be met in order for you to take out this insurance:
The employees in question work in your private household.
The persons in employment do not work more than eight hours a week in your household.
The yearly salary is no more than CHF 10,000 for all employees.
You can insure all employees employed in your private household that do not work more than eight hours a week. For example:
Childcare providers
The beginning and end of insurance cover are clearly regulated: Your employees are fully protected from the moment they start on their direct way to work to when they arrive on their direct way home.
You, as the employer, pay the premium of CHF 100 per insured year. The law does not allow you to pass this cost on to your employees.
The policy lasts for one full year. At the end of one year, the contract is automatically renewed for another year. You can terminate the policy three months before it is due to expire. The policy may also be cancelled if the employment relationship is terminated.
As a rule, social insurance contributions must be paid for all employees. However, as an employer, you can benefit from a simplified billing procedure if your domestic employees do not earn more than CHF 20,880 per year. In this case, you pay the social insurance contributions only once a year instead of every month, saving you administrative work.
As a rule, social insurance contributions must be paid for every employee. If your employee meets the following requirements, you can benefit from the simplified billing procedure and you pay the amounts only once a year:
Domiciled in Switzerland and holds a valid work permit
Between 17 and 65 years of age
Maximum annual salary of CHF 20,880
In order to benefit from the simplified billing procedure as an employer, you essentially need to register for it only once. You’ll then benefit from reduced administrative work because you’ll need to settle your contributions only once a year. How to use the simplified billing procedure:
Fill out the registration form for the simplified billing procedure and send it to your compensation office
Deduct the social insurance contributions from your employee’s salary each month
At the end of the year, settle the entire amount with the compensation office
Our expert advisors will help you to find the perfect insurance coverage in every phase of life. If you have a specific question about an insurance policy, we will answer it quickly and expertly.
If you would like a better understanding of your overall situation, we will work with you to analyse your needs and goals. We will recommend the right solutions for your insurance coverage and your financial security.
The advice is free of charge, with no strings attached. You choose the time and place.