
Legal information

General information
Publication details
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Information on the publisher of this website.
Legal information
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General legal information about our websites.
Code of Conduct and whistleblowing
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Important information about our Code of Conduct and whistleblowing helpline.
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Rules for communicating on our social media platforms.
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Protect yourself from e-mail and phone scammers pretending to be from Generali.
Personal details
Data protection
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Find out what data we store and how we protect it.
Data processing
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Find out how we process your data and what you should be aware of.
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Manage your cookie settings for using our website.
Terms of use
Customer portal
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Terms of use for our MyGenerali customer portal.
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Information about and terms of use for our chatbot Chatty.
Suppliers and government bodies
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Find out more about our code of conduct and our Terms and Conditions of Purchase.
Ombudsman’s office
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Please contact the ombudsman’s office with any legal questions or conflicts.
International regulations
Automatic information exchange
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AEOI helps prevent tax fraud across participating countries.
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International sanctions, bans and restrictions.