Environmental, social and corporate responsibility: The key features of sustainable investments. Switzerland’s take.
We conducted a representative survey of the population on investment behaviour and attitudes to sustainability in Switzerland. This involved surveying over 1,000 people between the ages of 25 and 55 in German and French speaking Switzerland.
The results of our survey show that only a small segment of the Swiss population invests in a sustainable future, even though sustainability is highly important to them. But the survey also shows that people are open to sustainable products and investments. The top three answers indicate which aspects of sustainable capital investment are particularly important to respondents.
Companies to invest in should:
When it comes to expectations of sustainable investments, the environment is highly important to respondents. Just how important can also be seen in other consumer questions. An overwhelming 70% of the 25 to 55 age group, for instance, are willing to pay more for a product if it has been produced to sustainable, environmental standards. There are, however, regional and gender-specific differences. Women are more interested in sustainability than men. And French-speaking Switzerland weights the issue higher than the rest of Switzerland.
«Only a minority of people will be familiar with the abbreviation ESG. ESG stands for environmental, social and governance. Hence, ESG investments are investments in companies that take their environmental, social and corporate governance responsibilities seriously.»
For a few years now, sustainability has been a factor not just in shopping or travel but also in savings. This has risen sharply in Switzerland in recent years. The Swiss want to invest in their own future, but they also want to invest in a better world. That’s what almost two-thirds of respondents say when asked to think about their retirement provision. And they’re not alone. In Switzerland, the demand for sustainable investments has been increasing sharply since 2015.
«The fact is, although many would like to invest sustainably, half of the respondents don’t know how to.»
Most respondents also believe that these sustainable investments generate higher returns than traditional options. And they are right – sustainable investments are a clear growth market with healthy potential returns. The days when you had to pay for sustainability with poor returns are well and truly over.
Supporting the climate isn’t just a matter of conscience. One investment front runner is the area of clean energy, which outstripped the broad equity market in 2020.
Our sustainable investment plan Tomorrow Invest allows you to make private, sustainable and profitable pension provisions. With Tomorrow Invest, you invest in companies that are
You can add the investment plan Tomorrow Invest when you are choosing from our pension solutions. In this way, you will benefit from insurance coverage and pension capital at the same time. Our experts will help you put this investment together in a way that works best for you.