Insurance plan for children

Our children are our future. That’s why it is important to protect them. Our insurance plan for children allows you to save for your children to give them a great start to their adult lives – and to protect them from all major risks.

Image Not Found Comprehensive insurance for children
Image Not Found Combine a savings plan with risk cover
Image Not Found Cyber protection
Image Not Found Flexible – easy to tailor to your needs
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How insurance plan for children works

This insurance plan is much more than just cover to protect your children. It comprises three modules: savings, risk cover, cyber insurance. This way, you can both save for your children’s future and protect them from the financial consequences of illness or accident. Plus, you can also add cyber insurance. And you choose which modules you use and the level of risk for investing your savings. 

Your benefits

Flexible children's insurance

A carefree future for your child.

  • Savings and risk cover on their own or combined
  • Combine modules as required
  • Select the investment plan that meets your needs
  • Option to save with sustainable investment plans
  • Add cyber insurance for even greater protection
Who is this for?

For everyone who wants to protect a child.

  • Parents
  • Grandparents
  • Godparents
  • Aunts and uncles

Insurance plan for children at a glance

Three combinable modules


Risk cover

Cyber insurance

Personal pension consultation for you

For an analysis of your situation and personalised quotes.

Coverage types in detail

In brief

  • For saving for the future
  • Invests in first-class funds
  • Attractive potential returns
  • You choose your investment risk

Saving – how?
The savings module allows you to create a nest egg for your child to help them get off to a good start in their adult life. To do so, you can select from three savings profiles with different return and security profiles and low to high risks. 


Saving in investment funds
Our financial experts will invest your premiums in first-class funds. This will allow you to benefit from the potential for attractive returns. 


Popular: investing in sustainability
Depending on your savings profile, you’ll also have the option to invest in sustainable funds. This includes our sustainable investment plan Tomorrow Invest. With this option, you invest in companies with a proven commitment to a better world.


Calculate premium: Savings with optional risk cover

In brief

  • Protection for worst-case scenarios
  • Lump sum for serious incidents
  • Pension for loss of earning capacity

What is covered?
Our risk cover protects your child from the financial consequences of serious events such as illness or accident. Under it, children under 18 will receive a lump-sum payment and those over 18 a pension for loss of earning capacity. And if anything happens to you, we’ll carry on paying the premiums.



  • In the event the child loses their earning capacity from age 18: pension plus premium exemption
  • In case of occurrence of an insured event until age 18: lump-sum payment
  • In the event the policyholder should experience loss of earning capacity or death: premium exemption


Calculate premium: Risk cover

In brief

  • Essential protection for minors
  • Add at little extra cost
  • For data misuse and bullying
  • For online shopping disputes

What is covered?
Our cyber insurance module allows you to protect your child from a number of cyber and online threats. This module can be easily added to our savings and risk protection module at little extra cost. 



  • Cybercrime: compensation in the event your passwords or credit cards are misused
  • Cyberbullying: help in the event of infringements of personal rights through insult, libel or slander
  • Internet contract law: help in case of disputes regarding online purchase/sales contracts


Calculate premium

Tomorrow Invest
Multi Index

Risk cover, savings or a combination of both. Calculate premium and protect your child’s future.

Practical examples

Customer opinions

Eva T. 30.04.2024
* * * * *
Said Abd El Ham 29.04.2024
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Juha-Pekka P. 28.04.2024
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Gaurav M. 26.04.2024
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Kulyk T. 26.04.2024
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Antony Lloyd Pr 17.04.2024
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Rogior Maarten 12.04.2024
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Tugrul I. 12.04.2024
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Andrea S. 07.04.2024
* * * * *

Questions and answers

Report an insured event

Do you need to report a claim? We are here for you.

0800 881 882