
Generali investment plans.

Investment plans tailored to suit your needs

At Generali, you can invest the savings premium from your unit-linked life insurance policy in attractive, broadly diversified investment plans. Select from classic and sustainable investment plans to find the plan that matches your needs perfectly. You can also select the equity component in your plan based on your personal risk/return profile. Our experienced experts actively and professionally manage your investments, so you profit from the best possible potential returns.  

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Multi Index

Our cost-effective investment plan: do you want to spread your risk widely and keep fees low? That’s what this plan is for.

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Tomorrow Invest

The sustainable investment plan: invest in sustainable businesses. Because smart pensions are a question of mindset.

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Index Serie

The digital investment plan: you invest an amount of your choosing in passive index funds. This plan can only be taken out together with our digital pillar 3a.

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Further investment plans

Here you can find all the investment plans that we do not currently offer anymore.

Benefits of our investment plans

Broad diversification

Attractive potential returns

Professional management

Personal pension consultation for you

For an analysis of your situation and personalised quotes.