Hail damage to your house or your car can get very expensive very quickly.
In Switzerland, it hails on an average of 33 days a year, usually during summer. In extreme cases, hailstones can be the size of tennis balls and damage cars, windows and roofs. The right behaviour before and during hail can prevent serious damage.
Prevention is essential when it comes to hailstorms. By the time large hailstones are already pelting down from the sky, it’s too late to take protective measures. The damage can be expensive. Thanks to weather warning apps, you can take preventive measures to keep hail damage to a minimum. But remember: protecting yourself is always the top priority.
If hail is approaching, make sure you protect yourself and your loved ones first. Take shelter in a building or a car. Do not go back outside until the hail has passed. Stay out of basements and do not enter cellars or underground car parks. There is a danger that hailstones can block drains and sewers, causing large amounts of rainwater to enter a house.
Hail can be dangerous and the damage it causes can be expensive. Discover how to protect yourself, your home and your vehicle.
Generali tip: If damage has occurred despite all precautionary measures, report it immediately to your motor, household or building insurance company and ask them to explain how to proceed. Depending on the extent of the damage, an assessment by a claims inspector may take place. Be sure to take photographs of the damage before cleaning up and create a list of the damaged items.