
Protection for young and new drivers in Switzerland.

Insurance and driving: special rules for novice drivers. 

Leandro Giannetti

Leandro is responsible for developing non-life insurance products, such as car insurance. His tasks include, among others, market observation, analysing the competition and defining and implementing product adaptations and innovations. Leandro has seven years of experience as a product manager.

Your driver’s licence has finally arrived, and your new car is also ready to go? As a young or new driver in Switzerland, there are a number of rules to observe: you must pass a three-year probationary period, ideally entirely without making any claims. There are insurance products tailored specifically to providing comprehensive insurance to novice drivers. Here, you will discover the difference between young and new drivers, what you need to pay attention to as a novice driver, and the insurance policies you can choose from.

Who in Switzerland is considered a new or young driver?

New and young drivers both initially receive a probationary driver’s licence. The difference between the two is their age, and the time period they have had their licence for. Young drivers are aged 25 or less. New drivers, on the other hand, have had their licence for less than two years.

The difference was introduced because those aged 25 and younger have less experience on the road than older drivers. Both young drivers and new drivers are thus subject to special rules for both their licence and insurance coverage.

​​Those new to driving can only receive a full driver’s licence after three years. To get this licence, they must attend an upgrade training course during their probationary period. During this course, they will learn how to recognise and prevent dangerous situations while driving.​


Probationary licence: infringements extend the probationary period

Drivers in their probationary period are subject to special rules while on the road. If you have a probationary licence, you are not allowed to drink at all before getting behind the wheel, whether you are a young or new driver. Only after you have received your regular driver’s licence can you drive with a blood alcohol level under 0.5.

​​If new drivers are caught breaking the rules, they generally have their probationary period extended by a year. If they break the rules a second time, they will have to wait a full year before they can reapply for a regular driver’s licence – and can only do so after undergoing a psychological evaluation. Plus, their insurance cover will lapse.​

There are also other traffic violations that can quickly lead to losing a probationary licence – from speeding to leaving the scene of an accident.


Tips: How to pass your probationary period

To ensure you avoid any traffic offences, you should always drive carefully. Follow these tips to protect yourself and your passengers. 

  • Stay alert: Remain calm and do not give in to distractions when driving. If you are tired or have had a drink, it’s better not to get behind the wheel. 

  • Adjust your speed: Pay close attention to the speed limit. Distractions and other drivers can make stepping on the gas seem attractive, but don’t give in to the temptation. 

  • Don’t overestimate yourself: You can already see a car coming in the other direction so there’s not much time to overtake the car in front of you? It’s better to simply wait until you can safely overtake. 

  • Drive proactively: There’s a slow tractor ahead? Brake in good time. Don’t let other drivers pressure you into doing something unsafe. 

Car insurance

Accidental damage, third-party liability, accidents. For you and your vehicle.
Car insurance: basic and additional cover

When insuring your first car, you can choose between partial and comprehensive accidental damage insurance, as well as many additional options. Basic car insurance policies include:

  • Third-party liability insurance: This insurance is compulsory in Switzerland. It pays for damage done to third parties when driving, but does not cover any damage to your own vehicle or injury to the driver.

  • Partial accidental damage insurance: Partial accidental damage insurance covers damage to a car not caused by the insured person. This includes, among other things, theft, malicious damage such as torn-off mirrors, glass breakage and damage caused by animals (martens).

  • Comprehensive accidental damage insurance: This comprehensive insurance covers everything, and also pays for damage you have caused. This includes, as an example, collisions and bumping into another car at a traffic light. 

The insurance you need as a new or young driver also depends on the value of your vehicle. If you have a new car, comprehensive accidental damage insurance is often the best option. If your car is second-hand, it can make sense to simply select partial accidental damage cover. Our modules also allow new drivers to select additional insurance options.


Special considerations for new and young drivers

As novice drivers have an increased accident risk, they often pay a higher deductible for car insurance: up to 1,000 francs for young drivers, 500 francs for new drivers. However, this amount depends on the insurance. Some providers offer a special deductible for drivers under 26 years of age, and others allow you to choose your deductible amount. If the deductible is low, you will pay more in the event of a claim. 

​​Drivers also benefit from discounts for driving without accidents: every year in which you do not make a claim, your bonus level, and with it your insurance premiums, will drop. If you are being added to your parent’s insurance, you will often start out one bonus level lower than if you were buying your own policy. No-claims bonus protection can protect your car insurance status even if you make a claim. Our ​premium calculator provides an initial summary for you. 

Other options that are particularly suitable for young and new drivers who want more insurance coverage in Switzerland include: 

  • Protection in the event of gross negligence
  • Passenger accident insurance
  • Parking damage insurance
  • Protection for items transported in the vehicle
  • Breakdown assistance with vehicle recovery


Drive without worry thanks to insurance from Generali

​​Our insurance packages allow you to purchase the exact policies you need. Our MINIMA, CLASSIC and OPTIMA options offer you the right protection, whether you are looking for just the basics or want all-round comprehensive cover.​ 

Suitable insurance products