What you need to do after a relative dies.
If a loved one dies, there are many administrative tasks to take care of and decisions to make. Our checklist will help you navigate through the maze of rights, obligations and regulations that you have to be aware of after a death.
The first step is to inform close relatives about the death. Organising everything that needs to be done can be overwhelming, so ask family members for support. Alternatively, you could also provide a private funeral home or burial office with the authority to take care of all the formalities. There are different regulations for each canton or municipality, so it’s best to look at the relevant website for more information.
If the person died in a hospital or care home, then you will automatically receive a death certificate signed by a doctor. If the person died a natural death outside of a medical institution, such as at home, then call your GP or the emergency services (tel. 144). They will confirm the death and issue a death certificate.
In Switzerland, a death must be registered with the civil register office at the place the person died within two days. This will be done automatically if the person died in a medical institution, otherwise family members or a funeral home must register the death.
To do so, you will need the following documents:
Once the death has been registered and notarised, the civil register office will issue the official death certificate.
In Switzerland, a funeral cannot take place until the death has been confirmed by the civil register office. You can then take this confirmation to the municipality, or to the funeral home helping you make arrangements. In many Swiss municipalities, burial or cremation is free of charge. If you wish to engage a funeral home, ask for a quote.
The funeral company will discuss the deceased person’s wishes with you:
As a general rule, the relevant authority will publish an official obituary in a regional paper or on relevant websites. In addition, loved ones often choose to create a private obituary in the form of a funeral announcement that provides information on the death as well as the burial and funeral. The funeral director will help you to write and print the obituary and have it published in the paper.
If the person who has died lived in a rental apartment, you will need to speak to the management company or landlord as soon as possible to inform them of the death. They will let you know when the apartment needs to be emptied.
If the deceased owned their own home, all further steps will be clarified as part of the inheritance process.
In addition to registering the death with the civil register office, you will also have to inform additional authorities and insurance companies. You will also want to stop any running costs as quickly as possible:
Once you have organised the funeral and informed all responsible authorities, you will have to start organising the inheritance.
Inheritance is a very complex subject, so it is best to consult an expert.
In the event of death, loved ones have a right to collect benefits. It is essential that you research what social security and insurance benefits you are entitled to, such as: