Income protection insurance

How are you protected if you become unable to work due to illness or accident? Income protection insurance allows you to maintain your current living standards by protecting you against loss of income and gaps in your social insurance contributions.

Image Not Found Protects you against loss of earnings
Image Not Found Pays in the event of accident or illness
Image Not Found Individual choice of pension amounts
Image Not Found Choice of waiting period
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How income protection insurance works

We will pay you a pension if you experience loss of earning capacity. A premium exemption is always included, too. Speak with one of our experts for personalised advice on which add-ons would best meet your needs, or simply take out online income protection insurance in a ready-made package here. 

Your benefits

Unable to work: What now?

So you can maintain your standard of living.

  • Loss of earning capacity due to illness or accident
  • Individual choice of amount of pension and waiting period
  • Tax advantages with premiums saved in pillar 3
  • Including premium exemption: Premiums covered in emergencies
  • Guarantee: no premium increases during the first 5 years
For a variety of different situations

Insurance also covers:

  • Self-employed individuals
  • Persons not in gainful employment
  • Persons caring for family members

Income protection insurance at a glance

Coverage types

Risk protection


Premium exemption

Personal pension consultation for you

For an analysis of your situation and personalised quotes.

Coverage types in detail

In brief

  • Covers gaps in social insurance
  • Protect against illness, the biggest risk
  • Combine with accident insurance

Protect yourself from life’s greatest risks
You decide if you only insure against the risk of illness, which lowers your premiums. Or you can decide to insure against both illness and accident.


The most common cause of loss of earning capacity
Around 80% of those who experience loss of earning capacity do so due to illness. But regular social insurance payments often do not cover enough of your costs if you are ill. Usually, you receive only between 60 and 70% of your former salary. This is in sharp contrast to an accident, where you will receive up to 90% of your former salary. That’s why we offer you the option of cheaper premiums that only insure against illness. 

In brief

  • Choice of pension amounts
  • Waiting period of 30 to 720 days
  • Quarterly payments
  • Partial or complete loss of earning capacity

Pension to maintain your standard of living
If you experience loss of earning capacity because of physical or mental problems, we will pay you a pension, retroactively and four times a year. This allows you to be able to maintain your standard of living. 


Choice of pension amounts and waiting periods
The legal waiting period is 720 days. With us, you can reduce this period down to just 30 days. You’ll also be able to choose the pension amount to suit your personal needs. 

In brief

  • Continuation of premium payments
  • Paid after an agreed period
  • Automatically covered

Well protected despite loss of earnings
If you lose your income because you are unable to work due to illness or an accident, we will continue paying your premiums. This removes a major financial burden and guarantees that you will remain insured.

Practical examples

Take out loss of earning capacity insurance and protect your standard of living now.

Customer opinions

Eva T. 30.04.2024
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Said Abd El Ham 29.04.2024
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Juha-Pekka P. 28.04.2024
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Gaurav M. 26.04.2024
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Kulyk T. 26.04.2024
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Antony Lloyd Pr 17.04.2024
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Rogior Maarten 12.04.2024
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Tugrul I. 12.04.2024
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Andrea S. 07.04.2024
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Questions and answers

Report an insured event

Do you want to make an insurance benefit claim or inform us of a death? We are here for you.

0800 881 882