Services for companies


Security for you and your employees

Healthy and motivated employees are a competitive advantage for any company. As an employer, fulfilling your duty of care for your employees is a responsibility you have to take seriously. And we can support you with this together with our partner, the AEH Zentrum für Arbeitsmedizin, Ergonomie und Hygiene.

Prevention measures – tailored to your company

Choose from our wide range of prevention services. We are also happy to advise you. Together we can find the right prevention measures for your company and employees. 

Our prevention services


  • Reduce incapacity to work
  • Raise awareness and support employees
  • Workshops and programmes
  • Confidential points of contact

Mental health
Incapacity to work is more and more frequently related to mental illness. In Switzerland, it is the most common cause of disability. Removing the taboos surrounding mental illness and raising awareness are important factors in cultivating a respectful working atmosphere within your company.


  • Prevention of psychosocial risks in the workplace
  • Stress management
  • Heart rate variability HRV
  • Healthy leadership & stress prevention
  • Alcohol awareness programme
  • Support programme for prevention of burnout
  • Addiction support programme
  • Conflict resolution workshop
  • Confidential hotline


  • Reduce stress
  • Improve resilience
  • Workshops and training
  • Consulting for HR and managers

Occupational health management
More and more companies are examining how they can systematically reduce burdens on their employees and at the same time strengthen their resilience. This is what occupational health management does (OHM).


  • ABS Workshop
  • Online employee survey on health and working conditions
  • Personal assessment OHM
  • Management training OHM
  • Consulting for HR or line managers on aspects of occupational health management
  • Training course on considerate management behaviour
  • Support for the Friendly Work Space Assessment


  • Combatting back pain and headaches
  • Helping with performance issues
  • Promoting concentration
  • Webinars and workshops

Back pain and headaches, problems concentrating and reduced performance can be avoided by practising good posture and ergonomics at the workplace.


  • Presentations and advice on ergonomic workstations
  • Training in back relief using correct techniques
  • Support programme for musculoskeletal disorders
  • Workshop on the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders
  • Workshop: Ergonomics of manual handling activities


  • Health days
  • Check-ups and vaccinations
  • Exercise and nutrition
  • Healthy sleep

Mens sana in corpore sano – employees stay healthy when they find their own balance between exertion and relaxation. Good nutrition also plays an important role in this.


  • Health day
  • Health checkup
  • Flu vaccination
  • Travel medicine consultation
  • Fit & healthy workshop
  • Sleep workshop
  • Nutrition workshop
  • Workshop: “Recharging your batteries on a daily basis”


  • Preventing accidents
  • Safety at the workplace
  • In-company first aid
  • Prevention days

Occupational health and safety
As an employer, you are responsible for workplace safety and sound crisis management. But you can also do a lot to help prevent accidents during an employee’s free time.


  • Basic knowledge of occupational health and safety
  • ASGS construction site inspections
  • Security audit including a site visit
  • Non-occupational accident prevention day
  • Workshop on wellness and prevention of non-occupational accidents
  • Workshop: Legal framework for occupational health and safety (OHS)
  • In-company first-aid training and audit of emergency plan
  • Evacuation: training and drills


  • Tackling absenteeism
  • Avoiding absences
  • Protecting employees who are ill
  • Advice and training

Correctly recording and assessing employee working times is very valuable for your company. It enables the company to take early measures to prevent absences and avoid employees coming to work even though they are ill.


  • A systematic approach to absenteeism
  • Management training in absence management
  • HR or line manager counselling in complex cases

Interested? Contact us.

Would you like to book a service or want to arrange a prevention consultation?
The AEH Centre is an expert for holistic services in health management. “Safe work and healthy staff – for entrepreneurial success” are at the centre of AEH’s focus. Our partnership with AEH means that you can benefit from exclusive AEH service offers.
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