Sales Network Management
As part of the Sales Network Management team, you are the face of Generali.
As part of Sales Network Management, you sit down together with our customers, advise them on all insurance and pension topics and help them find the insurance they need – from car and travel insurance to pillar 3a retirement provision. That’s why you are the face of our company.
We’re looking for a good mix of experienced experts and young talents who’ll help keep our finger on the pulse. Most importantly, we’re looking for pension and insurance advisors who are passionate about their jobs and make life easier for our customers.
If you’re looking to make a lateral move, we’d also love to hear from you. You can take part in our fully funded training programme.
We are close to the people we serve. For that reason, we’re there where our customers need us: with two head offices in Nyon and Adliswil as well as 55 Generali locations throughout Switzerland.